Quinta Jornada CEIDEN-UPM: “Impact of recent nuclear data evaluations on energy and non-energy nuclear applications”


23 de mayo de 2023



Oscar Cabellos (UPM) Welcome

Javier Dies (Commissioner CSN) Introduction

A.Plompen (JRC) Introduction: JEFF Project

A. Jiménez-Carrascosa (PSI) “Assessment of nuclear data libraries performance for SFR simulationTBD”

P. Romojaro (SCK·CEN) “Nuclear data requirements for an accurate estimation of the neutron production rate of spent nuclear fuel”

C. Ratero (SCK·CEN) “Benchmarking of JENDL-5and JEFF-4T2 in depletion calculations against isotopic inventories”

F. Grimaldi (SCK·CEN) “Neutron data benchmarking at the VENUS-F zero power reactor for MYRRHA”

C. Guerrero (US) “Neutron absorption in the Cr isotopes of structural materials affects the criticality of fast reactor assemblies”

Y. Huang (Xi’an Jiaotong University) “Uncertainty Quantification Comparisons in Different Evaluated Libraries Based on the ENDF-6 Formatted Sampling Method”

Y. Qui (KIT) “Current status and urgent needs of nuclear data and experiments for the IFMIF-DONES design analysis”

Sonia Panizo (CIEMAT) “Impact of nuclear data library uncertainties in MYRRHA v1.8 with SUMMON. Library intercomparison”

Blanca Aguado (INGENIA/UPM) “Overview of INGENIA activities: Course 2022-2023”

Antonio Silván (INGENIA/UPM) “EXFOR – Outlier identification (EXFOR – ENDF)”

Alejandro Velasco (INGENIA/UPM) “Mapping of ND Evaluations. An example with JEFF-4T2.2”

Álvaro Antón (INGENIA/UPM) “Processing & Benchmarking JEFF-4T2.2 – A comparison with other evaluations”

José Miras (INGENIA/UPM) “Benchmarking & Validation JEFF-4T2.2 – A comparison with other evaluations”

Miguel López (INGENIA/UPM) “Processing into JANIS format: Uncertainty Quantification with different evaluations using NDaST code