Advanced Technology Fuel (ATF) Group-SPAIN

Advanced Technology Fuel (ATF) Group-SPAIN

ATF Programme – Spain Türkçe versiyona erişim INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND The CEIDEN Technology Platform (PT CEIDEN) established in 2017 the development of ATF fuel as one of the three “Priority Technological Initiatives” of the nuclear sector within the...
Small Modular Reactors (SMR) Group

Small Modular Reactors (SMR) Group

Energy transition to a Net Zero Emissions scenario imposes important challenges to electricity generators sector. Nuclear energy plays a strategic role because of the proved contribution to lower CO2 emissions, improve the resilience of the electricity system and its...
Materials research group

Materials research group

Background The prediction of the service life of the components in a nuclear power plant is mainly based on the evaluation of the degradation of the materials due to the operating conditions, including periods of life extension / long term operation. In 2014, the...

SIREN Group: Nuclear Reactor Simulation

The SIREN Group was established in 2016, with the purpose of elaborating a “Catalogue of Calculation Codes” that are used, implemented and/or developed by the organizations in the Spanish nuclear sector. This catalogue is very helpful for the Spanish...
CAMP – Spain Program

CAMP – Spain Program

INTRODUCTION. BACKGROUND Since the mid 1980s, a considerable group of Spanish organizations, led by CSN, have promoted collaborative efforts aiming at the assimilation, improvement and application of thermalhydrulic codes to the Spanish nuclear power plants (NPPs)....