Cuarta Jornada Ceiden-UPM: “Neutronic design of small modular reactors”


19 de mayo de 2022, de 9:00 a 12:00

Reseña del evento


Presentación y Programa

César Queral (UPM) – «The EU/H2020 McSaferProject»

Luca Mercatali (Institute for Neutron Physics and Reactor Technology (INR) – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Alemania ) – «KIT Neutronic Computational Tools for SMR Core Analysis«

Víctor J. Casas y Elena Redondo (UPM) – «Simulation SMR-NuScale with PARCS code«

INGENIA UPM «INGENIA NUCLEAR: UPM-CDIO Project in Nuclear Engineering Education«

INGENIA UPM «Simulation PWR-type (NuScale) SMR with SEANAP system»

INGENIA UPM, Óscar Cabellos (UPM) – «Analysis of a PWR-type SMR (NuScale) using SEANAP system: ATFs, Nuclear Data and Manoeuvres»

Luis Felipe Durán (UPM) – «Simulation SMR-NuScale with COBAYA code»

Antonio Jiménez-Carrascosa (UPM) – «Sensitivity/Uncertainty Analysis in NuScale«

Víctor Martínez (ENSO) – Anuncio: Hands-on training on NPP simulations with TH codes: Building up a full model of an SMR reactor. Barcelona, 27 de junio al 1 de julio de 2022 (Ver noticia)