Small Modular Reactors (SMR) Group

Energy transition to a Net Zero Emissions scenario imposes important challenges to electricity generators sector. Nuclear energy plays a strategic role because of the proved contribution to lower CO2 emissions, improve the resilience of the electricity system and its social impact. The International Energy Agency supports the role of Nuclear Energy in future scenarios and poses the acceleration of Small Modular Reactors (SMR) development to produce electricity, heat and hydrogen with low emissions.

We are witnessing to a renovated momentum for the development of SMR technologies at European and International level with already 3 reactors in operation, 3 under construction, 26 under engineering development and 39 under conceptual design.

Attending to the proved national capacities in the sector, and potential national and international scenarios, the SMR Group integrated in CEIDEN was launched on November 23rd, 2023, at the headquarters of IDOM Engineering Company.  30 representatives of 21 different entities, public or private, were present covering training, research, production, fabrication,… with full representation of all national actors involved on the subject.

The attached article [READ MORE] depicts the current national capacity and dedication on the subject of SMR. This article attempts to assess the current state of research and technological progress achieved by the Spanish research groups and companies. The results reveal a significant level of maturity among these groups and companies in various domains and an active involvement in the design of novel SMR.

On January 10th 2024 and representative of the role to play by the SMR Group, a seminar on “Modular Reactors. Nuclear Energy for a sustainable future” took place [SEE in SPANISH]. The seminar was organized by the Madrid Institute of Industrial Engineers (COIIM) and CEIDEN (Fission Nuclear Energy Technology Platform). This seminar produced a vision of the strategic role played by the moduar reactors in the energy transition to a net zero carbon emissions scenario.

A list of current (2024-02-19) entities & observers (30) and participants (59) can be seen.